RAIS urges retailers to consider Single Customer View for 380% growth

At rais, the customer intelligence and CRM platform, we're urging retailers to offset the January sales slump with a fresh new approach to email marketing.Citing the benefits of personalised communications and data driven analysis, the unique rais approach to e-commerce for SMEs has been proven to nurture a 380% increase in customer email subscriptions – a key factor in purchasing decisions.

rais CEO and Co-founder Will Young:

“For many of our e-commerce clients, growing email subscription lists is one of the primary focuses of digital marketing activity. Email is very accountable which means it is fairly easy for retailers to forecast how many transactions on average they can hope to generate from an email campaign by using data generated by past sends. However, we advocate for a global view and base our approach on a belief that it’s the way those email subscribers are nurtured that actually makes the difference.”

We have recently published a new case study which charts the impact of this philosophy. In its study, entitled Growing your email list, we charts some of our work with an SME e-commerce client.

Speaking about the results, Our CEO, Will Young said:

“We’re pretty proud of what we’ve been able to achieve. In January they started working with us and we grew the size of their list by 384%. And for the period of Feb – July it had grown by a further 80%. We did this by creating a “Single Customer View”. This unified their email list data with their historical e-commerce data. And because we connect automatically with their MailChimp account we made this combined “Single Customer View” list available immediately for campaigns.”

Through the rais service, retailers can create combined views, unifying a range of subscriber types and adding in new subscribers at important touch points such as moment of purchase with soft opt-in implementation.

Young added:

“We automatically calculate customer lifecycle segment status and a number of other metrics for customers. This means our clients are running a variety of automated nurturing campaigns tailored to the status of a customer at various points in time. They can perform activities such as follow up with offers, feedback surveys and social media-related calls-to-action – all tailored to encourage conversions.”

View the case study in full here: http://rais.io/blog/case-study-growing-your-email-list/