3 new ways to show customers you are listening to them

Whatever the product or service, customers always lie at the heart of any business. Even when you’re a B2B, clients are still key. Attracting customers is one thing, however retaining individuals and scoring repeat business is an entirely different ball game. Time and time again, research has shown that listening to customers is a paramount part of retention. If you show customers you are listening to them, it not only arms you with valuable insight into how you’re performing, but also makes them feel heard, valued and appreciated.So how can you prove to your customers that your ears are well and truly pricked? Here’s three innovative new ways to listen.


‘Stalk’ them on social media

Social media platforms offer a wealth of information on customer experiences, opinions, needs, wants and so on. Tap into the goldmine by searching for key words that relate to your product, then chiming in on conversations that didn’t’ necessarily start via your platforms. You can also do the same on forums, chat rooms, review sites and so on. Your proactive approach to listening is guaranteed to impress, and you’ll also gain ‘fly on the wall’ insight into what your target demographic really wants.

Example: OptimalRun.com

Online shoe store OptimalRun.com allows customers to submit questions about their product. Instead of answering these questions in writing, the company sends back a personalized video talking about the products they asked about. These videos can then be shared with the customer’s friends on social media. This customer service technique is a brilliant way to reach new customers thanks to social media word-of-mouth.

Get personal

It’s important to keep track of all suggestions, comments and criticism that flows through your HQ. If something is particularly helpful make a conscious effort to send a personal thank you note to let the customer know that you appreciate their time. As well as responding to complaints and negativity, don’t forget to reward positive feedback as well. We guarantee your customers will be astonished by your efforts to get personal.

Example: Starbucks

Starbucks is famous for its unique approach on Twitter. Fans can catch the latest news and updates. Starbucks team uses Twitter to post content but also to reach out customers about their in-store and/or product experiences. Several times a day, Starbucks check their followers Tweets including complaints or negative feedback. They encourage dissatisfied customers to get in touch with the company or directly post on Twitter a solution that might satisfy them. It’s an unorthodox but smart approach to deal with customer complaints before they have a chance to get out of hand.


Shine the spotlight on customers in your advertising campaigns

One of the absolute best ways to let customers know you’re listening is to feature them in your advertising campaigns. Encourage them to mention your brand on social media, then actively repost or retweet their reference. Taylor Swift aced this concept when she invited fans to star in her ‘Shake It Off’ video clip. The bottom line? Make your customers part of your digital advertising conversation, and they’ll know you’re listening, loud and clear.

Example: Sainsbury

The Sainsbury 2013 Christmas campaign is a classic example of advertising built with customers’ content. The film worked as a powerful piece of storytelling in its own right, and it quickly went viral, as people were inspired by its spontaneity and sincerity.


Need help to show customers you are listening to them? As global retail specialists we’re on hand to help you use data to engage, convert and retain. Give us a call today to chat about how our software can help take you better understand your customers, and take your relationships to the next level.

photo credit: Mel3s Card via photopin (license)